By enrolling in a Nanodegree program, you agree to abide by the Udacity Honor Code.
Udacity Honor Code is a set of best practices that exist to ensure the best learning experience for yourself and all other Udacity students. Students found to act in violation of the terms set forth may be asked to leave their program without a refund.
Nanodegree Program
I will abide by the Terms of Use and all components of the Honor Code set for Udacity Nanodegree participants.
- I will conduct myself with honor as part of the Udacity community.
- I understand that all decisions regarding participation, graduation, and awarding of verified certificates will be made by Udacity at its sole discretion.
Project Submissions
- I confirm that this submission is my own work. I have not used code from any other Udacity student's or graduate's submission of the same project. I have correctly attributed all code I have obtained from other sources, such as websites, books, forums, blogs, GitHub repos, etc. I understand that Udacity will check my submission for plagiarism, and that failure to adhere to the Udacity Honor Code may result in the cancellation of my enrollment.
Community Guidelines
- I will help cultivate a positive, supportive learning environment.
- I will communicate respectfully and considerately with all other Nanodegree participants, Udacity mentors, and Udacity representatives.
- I will not share any content that is obscene, illicit, threatening, or discriminatory.
- I will contribute constructively to discussions with fellow students.