Refreshing your web browser may fix some small Workspace issues. If your Workspace has “gone idle”, you can refresh the page to get a new Workspace, for instance. Your work will not be lost as we autosave student work every 90 seconds.
Next, in the lower left of all Workspaces there is a menu button.
- The Refresh workspace option will give you a new virtual machine (Workspace system) but will restore all your files onto it. You can try this if you find your Workspace is unresponsive e.g. you've created an infinite loop in your code.
- The Get new content command will give you a new VM and replace whatever work you have done so far with a copy of the files. We recommend this option only if you want to start over again from scratch. Please note that this option will reset your workspace and remove any previous work, so you can download all files from the directory beforehand to avoid any loss of progress. We advise making copies of any files on the workspace before proceeding with the reset.