You will have to request a limit increase for an ml.p2.xlarge instance. Getting a limit increase for the p2.xlarge instance and running your notebook might give you an error. You can only request an instance limit increase using your regular AWS account, not your AWS Starter account. To request a limit increase for ml.p2.xlarge instance:
- Navigate to your AWS Console.
- Go to Support on the top right corner of the page, and then choose Support Center.
3. Click on Create case.
4. Click on Service limit increase, and then choose SageMaker under Limit type.
5. Fill out the rest of the form appropriately. If you're unsure about the Resource Type, you can either choose SageMaker Training or SageMaker Hosting.
6. For the Limit, make sure to choose ml.p2.xlarge instances.
7. Under New limit value, put 1 because Amazon will only give you 1 at a time. You can always request more later if you need more.
8. For Case Description, you don't need to be too detailed. You can just say you need the instance for your Nanodegree program project.
9. Confirm which contact options you would prefer.
10. Click Submit. You should receive a confirmation page after submitting your request.
That's it! AWS Support should be reaching out to you, however, please note that it can take up to 24-48 working hours to get your limit increase.